To each her own. Some readers like their sex scenes hot and steamy. Others want the details left up to their imagination. I tend to fall into the second category. Although, I admit, I’ve read a few sex scenes that were, well… pretty romantic. I’ve also read some sex scenes that were downright awkward – about as sexy as watching Miley Cyrus twerking. I obligated myself to read a romance last year that included some explicit sex scenes, and I have to admit, I skimmed over them to get to the other side because they were so unpleasant, and UNSEXY, to read. I guess I just don’t want an anatomy lesson when I’m reading a novel.
This is an important issue to me right now because I’m smack dab in the middle of writing book 2 of “The Shade Ring Trilogy.” I’m crafting a love scene that I hope will be on the pleasant side – NOT the awkward side – of sexy.
One thing I know for sure: I could never write erotica. I can just imagine my sons and my grandkids reading it and freaking out that I might know anything about lovemaking. I can also imagine winning “The Bad Sex in Fiction” award. No kidding – that’s an actual award given out for really tacky sex scenes. Definitely not a plaque I want hanging on my wall.
By the way, book 2 will be published this summer.